Meet the Team
November 9, 2021


Marcela is a regional manager and takes care of near-infrared services and also for quality and regulatory affairs. She lives in Buenos Aires and is responsible for the Spanish-Latin America region.

In the beginning, it would be nice if you could shortly introduce yourself: 

When did you join Evonik? What are your tasks? What did you do before?    

I joined Evonik in 2005, when we were still Degussa. Prior to this job I was doing an internship in another international chemical company for the Animal Nutrition department and I knew Evonik as an amino acids supplier. My internship director at the university talked about an opening at Degussa/Evonik at that time. So, I was hired into Evonik Animal Nutrition. Till this day I work for the Animal Nutrition business line and currently as regional manager for the near-infrared services and also for quality & regulatory affairs. I am located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and my responsibility is for Spanish Latin America.  

What has been your most valuable experience to date? 

The possibility of getting in touch with a lot of different cultures. I travel a lot for work and that was an excellent chance to get to know people from different cultures and different origins. It was a great way to open my mind to different possibilities.  

How does Evonik support you in balancing work and family? 

Everyone always supported my needs in this matter. I never had an issue in balancing my personal life with my professional one. Especially because I was studying when I joined the company.    

What do you enjoy most about being part company or your team? What challenges you the most? 

What I enjoy the most is the travelling part of the job. This is also the most challenging one because it comes again to the previous question on balancing work and family. I do not have children, so I believe that makes me more flexible to travel abroad. I really miss that part due to the Covid pandemic. 

Have you personally developed throughout the time at Evonik?  

I believe that I have. I was pretty shy when I join Evonik. But my work at Evonik helped me to overcome that part of me. Today I can speak up without the fear of what would the other think or being wrong. Professionally, Evonik helped me a lot, being able to participate in internal and external trainings I was able to gain a lot of knowledge during these 15 years. 

How would your colleagues describe you? 

You should better ask my colleagues. I think they would describe me as strict, well organized, kind and fair - but as well tough when the situation requires it.    

Imagine having a day off – what is your favorite way to spend it? 

I would start the day with preparing a nice kind-of-hotel breakfast, go for a walk and maybe have lunch in one of my favorite restaurants. In the afternoon go for a happy hour with my friends. Of course, this could only happen in a Covid free environment.  

What is your advice to young people entering your job field? 

Be resilient, be perseverant, do not stay in the comfort zone, make a plan and pursue your dreams.