Women in science: Who are they? What do they do? And above all, what drives them? Today we hear from Mimoze, laboratory assistant at Evonik Antwerpen, where she is responsible for the quality of intermediate and end products.

Mimoze, how did you end up in your current job?
I studied chemistry at the AP Hogeschool in Antwerp. Chemistry is a challenging and broad field and offers many opportunities. My education started with the principles of chemistry and ended with a solid dose of practice in the lab. It is this combination of theory and practice that really appealed to me. After my studies, I started working as an interim in Evonik's central lab. When a vacancy for production lab technician at the Oxeno plant became available, I did not hesitate for a second and grabbed the opportunity with both hands.
What do you find so fascinating about your job and the sector?
My field of work is very broad and encompasses various disciplines, which means you have to constantly learn. Working safely is a necessity. Being able to work well in a team, independence, flexibility and accuracy are also very important qualities. Every day brings new and varied challenges in a collegial atmosphere.
Why should more girls and women choose a future in chemistry and life sciences?
More women in chemistry allows for more creativity and breaking old habits, which leads to innovative solutions. So a diverse team is a must. Nowadays, many chemical companies also offer flexible working hours, so that employees can perfectly combine work and home. Moreover, you have a fairly robust job security and get great opportunities. In manufacturing and engineering, female colleagues are in the minority but certainly no less valued! I encourage all girls and women to pay a visit to Evonik during an open day. There they will clearly see that engineering and science is also a woman's business!
(Essenscia, the Belgian Federation for Chemistry and Life Sciences Industries, asked some employees from the chemistry and life sciences sector - one of them was Mimoze).