Meet the Team
November 9, 2021


Susanne, assistant to the BL head of Active Oxygens, Resource Efficiency in Hanau, talks about team spirit.

I started working for Evonik in 2013.Working within the global business for me is not just a job, but a passion and a lifestyle.

After working in the banking business for a few years, I was able to live on three continents, North America, Asia (Bahrain) and Europe, so I was able to experience different cultures, workplaces and mentalities.

I love the international variety, the different cultures and all this I find in one place – my workplace Evonik! “Diversity is fascinating, valuable but also essential for the success of the company”, “every person is different and this provides the perfect fit in the whole picture of the entity".

I am convinced that working and living abroad strengthens you for life.

At Evonik and also in my department we complement each other instead of competing with each other and we honor the differences. I like to encourage people and motivate them.

I am proud, that I can share my experiences, my know-how, loyalty and positive attitude in all circumstances with a company like Evonik.

At the same time and on a daily base I can develop into my full potential within my work environment. I am allowed to be human so to speak and I am honored as such within Evonik. There is a family dynamic, which also provides a certain amount of security. I am very thankful for all the social services Evonik provides to the employees.