After working outside of Wisconsin for years, Tess was looking for a career opportunity closer to her friends and family, and that is exactly what she found. Tess became a Process Engineer at Evonik right outside of Madison Wisconsin, where she was attracted to the innovative technology, products, and supportive team members at the Milton site.

Tess, you came to Evonik from a petrochemical company. Can you tell us a little about what attracted you to Evonik? And what the onboarding experience was like for you?
After working in Texas for almost 5 years, I was looking to relocate to Wisconsin to be closer to family and friends. When searching for career opportunities, I found an opening for a Process Engineer at Evonik outside of Madison, Wisconsin. In researching Evonik and going through the interview process, I was attracted to the innovative technology and products as well as the culture. Throughout the onboarding process, the Milton plant was extremely supportive, and I immediately felt like a part of the Milton family.

You were very passionate when you spoke on the topic of safety at Evonik. Can you go into a little more detail about how safety is viewed at your site?
In everything we do at the Milton site, safety is always a top priority. I think it is crucial for words and actions to align in order to develop and maintain a strong safety culture. In my first 10 months at the Milton site, I have witnessed this safety prioritization in action on several occasions. Everyone feels the responsibility and enthusiasm to speak up and work together to ensure everyone leaves work the way they came.

What do you love most about living in Wisconsin?
After growing up in rural Wisconsin, I have really enjoyed moving back in the Madison, Wisconsin area. In the summer, I love spending time out on one of the lakes in Madison or exploring a state park. I live next to a bike path and take advantage of it with walks, runs, and bike rides. I recently adopted a three-year-old dog named Marco, and we’ve enjoyed the outdoor adventures Wisconsin summer has to offer! Throughout the other seasons, I love playing recreational volleyball with my Evonik coworkers, cheering on the Wisconsin sports teams, and spending time with family and friends!

What would you tell someone who is interested in working for Evonik?
In my experience working at Evonik, I cannot speak highly enough of the safety culture and the people. At all levels of the company and plant, safety is at the forefront. The people at Evonik create an incredible work environment and I have experienced great communication, collaboration, and trust. From the start, I have felt the sense of community within the Evonik team, which makes Evonik an amazing place to build a career!