Meet the Team
November 9, 2021

Vengyn - Team Spirit, Customer Focus and Flexibility

Vengyn, Customer Service Representative (CSR) for the Region Eastern Europe, Business unit Silica, Coating Additives and Silanes, Hanau, talks about flexibility.

Time certainly flies, and over 20 years have elapsed since my working career started at this company. I have been in charge as a CSR for many countries initially for the overseas business and the last couple of years for the Eastern European market. CSRs are the main contact for our customers, sales force, plants and various internal departments. It never gets boring. Dealing with the most diverse requirements of our customers worldwide as well as the constantly expanding internal processes are the challenges we master every day. But also a great opportunity to develop our personal know-how. The most stable process in our sector is permanent change. However, the remarkable versatility of my job and the autonomous activity are the main reasons for me being attracted to this job. 

Team spirit, professional expertise, customer focus and flexibility are the best tools in our day-to-day operations. Team work definitely has a faster pace than individual work and a strong team spirit makes everything work seamlessly. We also fully benefit from the multicultural background of our team-members. The various languages skills we offer are very much appreciated by our international customers and their satisfaction is our highest priority. When individual competences and approaches proactively interact and engage, the result is added value for our customers. We gain the confidence in working with one another by fair and open communication. Appreciation is very important. To achieve our ambitious goals clear strategy would not be enough. Cultivating team spirit helps improve the chemistry of a group and increase the likelihood of success. Sustainable success is founded to a great degree on highly motivated and highly qualified employees. I’m glad we have come to realized that. Being part of this fast-growing innovative company is definitely something I can be really proud of. And if Evonik can make Team Spirit closely linked to the corporate philosophy and culture then I believe the will to success will ultimately increase even more rapidly and globally. Because then we consider any kind of challenges as a common goal rather than an individual competition. I think permanent exchange of communication in this large undertaking is essential to move consistently towards our goal.