Marcos – Vice President and Head of Nutrition & Care LATAM
One life, diverse career paths – Marcos shares about his professional changes within the company and the positive experience he had in developing his potential.
More about Marcos' Career Path
Marcos has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and joined Evonik in 2007 as a Regional Sales Assistant in Central and South America. In 2010, he started with the International Sales and Marketing Program (ISAM) and rotated between Germany, Japan and the USA.
After completing the program in 2012, Marcos worked as a Regional Sales and Marketing Manager in Europe. Three years later, he took on a new role as a Business Management Director in Asia Pacific.
From 2018 to 2022, he was the President of Evonik Argentina and Chile and the Managing Director of Evonik Metilatos. In his current position, Marcos is Vice President and Head of the Nutrition & Care division in Brazil.

Job title Vice President and Head of Nutrition & Care LATAM
Based Brazil
Division/Function Nutrition & Care
Joined Evonik 2007
Education Business Administration